Our Story

Habitat for Humanity International was started in Americus, Georgia in 1976. Founders Millard and Linda Fuller had a vision of a world without shacks or slums, a world where everyone has a decent place to call home. Habitat is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry dedicated to eliminating poverty housing and making decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. Habitat brings families in need together with volunteers and resources to build simple, decent houses all over the world. Habitat for Humanity of Central Iowa, Inc. initially began as Story County Habitat for Humanity, Inc. in the late 1980′s and became an official affiliate in 1995. In 2004 Story County Habitat for Humanity changed its name to Habitat for Humanity of Central Iowa to include Hamilton and Hardin counties in its geographic service area. To learn more about Habitat for Humanity visit www.habitat.org.